
Universal Acceptance (UA) Day 2024

Theme: Unlocking internet potentials for promoting quality education and enhancing business growth in Uganda

Date: 17th May 2024

About UA Day

About UA Day

Organized by ICANN, the community-led UASG and Kabale University, UA Day consists of UA awareness, adoption, academic, and technical training sessions hosted by Kabale University, the UASG and ICANN. This event will help stakeholders to better understand the benefits of UA and how they can make their systems UA-ready.

Where was the Event :

Kabale University. Plot 364 Block 3 Kikungiri Hill, Kabale Municipality, P.O Box 317, Kabale, Uganda.

When was the Event :

( Friday ) 17th May 2024 at 9:00 AM. EAT

Event Facilitators

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Contact Us for
further information

The 2024 UA Day took place at Kabale University located in the South Western part of Uganda. For inquiries or details, reach out to us.

Event Venue:

Teaching facility 1, Kabale University

Location Address:

Kabale University. Plot 364 Block 3 Kikungiri Hill, Kabale Municipality, P.O Box 317, Kabale, Uganda.